Ordering Pizza Online
This case study includes an analysis and collection of our usability test sessions. A usability test is intended to determine the extent an interface facilitates a user’s ability to complete routine tasks.
Users are asked to complete a series of routine tasks. Sessions are recorded and analyzed to identify potential areas for improvement to the web site. Findings are from sessions earlier this month focusing on Papa John’s Pizza Ordering Online. This study encompasses multiple advanced users, early to late 20’s, that have previous experience ordering online.
The usability studies took place over the week of September 26, 2016 through October 2, 2016. These were recorded sessions that took place across the continental United States. The users were a mix of male and female ranging in age from 24 to 28 years of age. In some cases, the majority of video recorded sessions included the facial expressions of the participants, a few did not. The sessions ranged in length from 10 to 25 minutes depending on time on task and the breadth of narration. Each user worked through three major tasks with a pre-task and ice breaker warm up, after having listened to the script being read.
Participant Information
The users were a mix of male and female professional and academic participants ranging in age from 24 to 28 years of age. They were advanced users that had previously ordered multiple meals and pizza online.
List of Tasks
The usability test and findings are only as successful as the well written script and tasks. If they are too difficult or easy, it can make for awkward moments. Getting to the crux of the site or interface, and supplying meaningful interactions are imperative.
Synopsis of Findings
Taking an inventory, and making either a graph or a chart, like in card sorting, can bring unexpected patterns out of the information and results.
Analysis of Tasks
The analysis is just as important as the observation. This is when the nuggets of revelation and pain points come to the surface. The tasks are simply to elicit interaction between the interface and the user.
Participant Quotes
These are the real gems of usability studies and poignantly capture the concept that "you are not your user." The participant quotes as well as observing how others approach the exact same task is the stuff of revelation in usability testing.
Follow Up Research Questions
This is the area of the study, when rubber hits the road, and the weaknesses of the study or script or test become apparent. This is the opportunity to adjust as testing proceeds or for the next test or follow up test. This is what is learned.
Usability Script
Keeping the script the same between participants, while not canned, is important for objectivity. As well, keeping the introduction along with the scientific method assures that the moderator doesn't lead the user in any direction and skew results.
Tasks Questions Used
Eliciting demographic information as well as an ice-breaker, to warm up both the participant and moderator is essential to comfortable and relaxed participation and results.